Yle Swedish News Archive 2019-2020, source Ylen ruotsinkielinen uutisarkisto 2019-2020, lähdeaineisto Yle svenska webbartiklar 2019-2020, källmaterial ylenews-sv-2019-2020-src Metadata PID: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021032301 Licensed under CLARIN ACA +NC +other - academic, non-commercial use, attribution required See complete license details in the separate LICENSE.txt or under http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2021032501 This dataset consists of the contents of the Yle News Archive for the language code "sv" for each month of the years 2019 and 2020, harvested on 3.2.2021 by FIN-CLARIN, in the original JSON format, up to 1000 documents in each JSON file, API keys redacted.