Elias Lönnrot Letters Online, source Elias Lönnrotin kirjeenvaihto, lähdemateriaali lonnrot-src metadata: http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2022040501 license: CC BY 4.0 See complete license details in the separate LICENSE.txt file or under http://urn.fi/urn:nbn:fi:lb-2022051601 The corpus consists of the correspondence of Elias Lönnrot with private individuals as well as institutions from 1823 until Lönnrot's death. Elias Lönnrot was the creator of the Kalevala, medical doctor and professor of language (1802 – 1884). The letters and drafts of letters belong to the Archive of the Finnish Literature Society and have been transliterated for the project Elias Lönnrot’s Letters Online, http://lonnrot.finlit.fi/omeka/. The data was harvested from http://lonnrot.finlit.fi/omeka/ on 2022-03-02 by FIN-CLARIN in the original XML TEI format.